Boost Your Business with These 5 Digital Marketing Tips

Boost Your Business with These 5 Digital Marketing Tips

This isn’t the first post on these pages to cover digital marketing tips to boost your business. And it won’t be the last. After teaching digital marketing for over 5 years, I can tell you that each time I teach the class I have to almost build the course readings list from scratch because digital marketing changes constantly, sometimes in very dramatic ways that make you rethink your entire digital marketing strategy. Today is crafted as an update to include some of the old standards that always worked in digital marketing as well as some new tactics you can add to your arsenal as you try to boost your business.

Building — or maintaining — a business in the current climate isn’t easy. The COVID-19 pandemic devastated many businesses, as they closed due to sequential lockdowns. Some of these businesses will never open their doors again. The worldwide economic slowdown meant that even businesses allowed to remain open, suffered from declining sales as their customers struggled to pay for the bare essentials.

But where there are challenges there are also opportunities. Our hyper-connected world means you have opportunities to boost your business, by changing your business model and adapting to the way today’s consumers’ shop. So, for digital marketing tips and tricks, read on.


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