Category: Email Marketing

Crafting Killer Marketing Emails (That Will Actually Get Read)

Crafting Killer Marketing Emails (That Will Actually Get Read)

No matter how great your emails look, you need the substance to back up the style. Without stellar content, your subscribers will eventually stop opening your emails, and start deleting or ignoring them instead.

Best Digital Marketing Practices for Small Business Owners

Best Digital Marketing Practices for Small Business Owners

Nowadays, Digital Marketing is heavily integrated into our everyday life from social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram to Email Marketing, and similar to technology, digital marketing trends keep evolving. Therefore, it’s becoming increasingly important to keep up with these trends and best practices in order to maintain your businesses marketing presence.

How to Improve Your Email Copywriting in 2019

Email marketing isn’t going anywhere; it’s still one of the most effective ways to directly reach your target audience. But are the emails you’re sending to your subscribers and customers helping you reach your goals? You can’t just email your audience and ask them to buy your products or services. You have to write your messages in a way that grabs their attention, builds a connection, and encourages them to take action.

sending out emails

How To Exponentially Grow Your Email List

If you’re looking for ways to exponentially increase the number of your subscribers, here are some effective strategies you can follow:

Email Marketing: 5 Tips to Put Your Email Marketing Campaign on Track

Businesses in the US spent an estimated $2.67 billion on email marketing in 2017.

With little investment, you can make serious returns, but if you want to maximize those returns, you need to do your email marketing right.

How to Combine Social Media with Email Subscribers to Boost Sales

Your social media presence and your email marketing shouldn’t be two separate entities — they should work together cohesively to promote your products/services.