Three things marketers should be doing on LinkedIn

Three things marketers should be doing on LinkedIn

LinkedIn recently sent out a guide on how to optimise your brand’s content marketing strategy during this time. The guide covers several points, which have been unpacked and analysed below.

Here’s what your brand needs to be doing on LinkedIn:

1. Amp up your content strategy

Ever since the crisis, more brands have been reliant on digital for their strategies, meaning content marketing has been on the rise. Although, it’s important to note that it’s not the same content marketing as it was before, as your audience’s needs and interests have changed; and therefore, so should your strategy.

According to LinkedIn, “a strong content marketing strategy is about having a long-term plan to drive growth for your business.“ So if your brand is looking to plan ahead, it’s best to plan for the long-term!

What this means is to opt for quality over quantity. Ensure that you produce one strong piece of work over the span of a week as opposed to producing several average pieces of content a day (that none of your consumers are going to engage with).

You can create a strong, long-term plan by deciphering what your consumers need during this time. Keep in mind, your consumers are no longer out and about at events; most are working from home and many are spending more time on social media.

In fact, “social media use has increased by 21% worldwide.” Therefore, making your brand’s presence known on social platforms has become a must, so if you haven’t opened up a business page on LinkedIn, now is the time to do so!

With people spending time at home and looking for new ways to be entertained, the saying ‘video is king’ is a gross understatement at the moment. It might be time to rev up that video editor and get familiar with video content.

Additionally, many brands are experimenting with webinars. Seeing as people are no longer allowed to gather at large events, brands have to find new ways to showcase themselves and their offerings, as well as share insights. Webinars are a great way to do this, as your audience can now learn all about your brand and the industry it’s in from the comfort of their homes.

View more at the Article Source Three things marketers should be doing on LinkedIn


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